There are few things that embody the DIY, have-a-go spirit of punk more than ‘zines. Although not by any means exclusive to the punk scene, they are an intrinsic part of the genre’s history. Molly Tie has a look at the evolution of the craft and the role it has played in the history of punk.Continue Reading

10 must-read punk and ska books of the last 12 months! Over the last year and a bit, we’ve all had to find ways to amuse ourselves, and a lot of that amusement would have probably involved film, TV, the internet and baking banana bread. But a lot of you may have been keeping entertained […]Continue Reading

While often lambasted in the ’70s as either Rolling Stones wannabes or for their shocking-at-the-time androgynous look – the Dolls are one of the greatest (often unsung) influences on punk rock. Molly Tie delves into what some consider one of punk’s first LPs. In the wild cultural landscape that was New York in the 1970s, […]Continue Reading

In a new book author, Aaron Carne explores the legacy of the U.S. Ska scene. Punktuation caught up with the author to discuss his idea behind the book. If you’ve ever felt that ska is unfairly maligned, not taken seriously, or not given the musical credibility afforded to other genres, then you are not alone. […]Continue Reading

The organisers of Blackpool’s annual Rebellion punk music festival have confirmed that the dates for 2021 are unable to go ahead, meaning the event has been cancelled for the second year in a row. On their lengthy Facebook post, they confirmed that due to the continuing uncertainty around large scale events such as music festivals, […]Continue Reading

Looking for something to celebrate tonight? Why not raise a glass to ten great punk albums that are celebrating anniversaries in 2021?Continue Reading

How did one of the best and most successful independent labels in the history of punk rock come crashing down in 2012? Molly Tie investigates.Continue Reading

In a new book Finish Author Jyrki ‘Spider’ Hämäläinen charts the highs and lows of one of the most influential British Post-punk bands ever.Continue Reading

If you were a punk in the UK in the '70s and early '80s there were few venues where you could see bands play - the places where you could soon became iconic...Continue Reading

If you love reading about punk and you love a freebie, then we’ve got great news. Dan Sinker’s Chicago-based zine Punk Planet (which ran 80 issues from 1994-2007) is now available online at no cost whatsoever. Punk Planet became beloved for its approach to writing about punk and covering the music itself. The ‘zine covered […]Continue Reading