With the annual Green Day ‘joke gone on too long’ meme’s quipping not to forget to ‘wake Billie Joe up when September ends’ an air of seriousness has emanated from the punk rock legend, with today’s posts on his Instagram and Twitter pages urging followers to “Please Read!!” his statement regarding the necessity to vote in the upcoming American election.
Armstrong has expressed his concern of another term of Trump as President saying ‘All of my enthusiasm is for BIDEN/HARRIS! TRUMP HAS GOT TO GO! American can not afford another 4 years of Trump in office.”
“Our democracy is at stake. Our earth is at stake. We need health care for all. We need justice. We need peace. We need police reform.”
Billy Joe Armstrong
Armstrong has delivered his “call to arms for the soul of America” urging everyone over the age of 18 to register to vote. With latest statistics of Covid-019 in America reaching 6.13 million cases and over 186 thousand deaths alongside racial unrest and police brutality, Armstrong is urging all who are able to vote to be “WIDE AWAKE FROM SEPTEMBER TO NOVEMBER 3RD”.
Punk rock and punk sub-culture evolved around political dis-ease, economic inequality and working class struggles but the current pandemic and racial unrest in the U.S. goes way beyond just one social group. It is a global issue and one that has the world taking a good hard look at itself.
With voting in America non-compulsory, Armstrong begs, “Our lives depend on this election!! Grab a group of friends and register! Grab a group of friends and vote! Tell EVERYONE!”
He concludes his message with video’s of Green Day politically driven hits Know Your Enemy and American Idiot to push the point home with final words “DO NOT WAIT!” his final cry.
Follow Billie Joe Armstrong on social media to keep up to date.
Everyone should have a soundtrack playing loudly in the background of their life. I was born moshing to my own beat and have never swayed from my love of music. Spreading my passion through the written word is my soul’s purpose. My punk heart beats loudly with the rhythm of my rock soul. I plan to continue to mosh like no one gives a shit.
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