With a new lineup and a new sound, the Midwich Cuckoos say they’re now a “12-legged rock ’n’ roll, punk and metal machine.” Punk crossover band Midwich Cuckoos unleash searing new single ‘Sucker’ to herald in the news of their forthcoming second album Death or Glory, which will initially be released separately as 2 EPs, titled Death and Glory. Continue Reading

Rock Photographer Steve Rapport spins his Top 10 Punk Tracks Continue Reading

With the imminent release of her first solo album at the age of 60, the ex Black Flag bassist chats to Punktuation’s Molly Tie about life as a woman in the hardcore punk scene and explains why she’s not ready to call her new album ‘not punk rock’. Most people will know Kira Roessler as […]Continue Reading

New Orleans pop-punk band Neutral Snap release their latest single Maybe Sometimes, ahead of new album, due out 22nd October. “Maybe Sometimes'” is our biggest callback to our first album out of all the songs on our upcoming record,” shares the band. “The song touches on our personal experiences dealing with depression and anxiety, along with our Continue Reading

The Weymouth punks have pulled back the proverbial curtain in their new single and music video Never Getting Better. Continue Reading

LA based grunge/punk rockers Tarah Who? have just dropped their latest album Supposedly, A Man. Punktuation's Tracey Moyle has a natter with the girls!Continue Reading

After enduring lockdown after lockdown, the Chats are back on the road selling out shows across Australia on their 'Suburban Tour'. Punktuation's James McMahon, checks them out as they hit their home State of Queensland.Continue Reading

Canada’s Only The Strong just released their new EP ‘Fractured’ and today, they’re also unveiling a video for the new single “Hollow Eyes. The band says “Hollow Eyes is the last song on our debut EP “Fractured”, finalizing the overall theme of the EP with an attempt to reclaim peace and rebuild after trauma.” In 2018, Continue Reading

Heart Attack Man have announced thatThoughtz & Prayerz their vitriolic new EP is set to be released on November 5th, 2021 via Triple Crown Records. Heart Attack Man says of their piping hot, chaotic new EP “Thoughtz & Prayerz “We cranked all the knobs on this one.” And they aren’t wrong! Additionally, the band faces Continue Reading

Manchester’s hardcore/metal/ skate-punks embrace their working-class humour whilst glimpsing the underbelly of tourist decay in their latest video. Fair Do’s are a powerhouse of technical melodic hardcore, who combine hardcore punk and metal in a way that few other bands dare. The band spent their formative years hammering their distinctive fast-punk style Continue Reading