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New Releases Punk News Reviews
Portsmouth based Post-Punk/Goth band Torpedoes have just released their fourth album ‘Heaven’s Light Our Guide’. In this magnum opus, principal songwriter Ray (Razor) Fagan (Ex Red Letter Day) gives his take on the world we must all inhabit whether we like it or not, across 20 tracks. With 'Heaven’s Light Our Guide' Torpedoes have created a poetic body of work that nods Continue Reading
Punk News Reviews
Legendary British punk band UK Subs played Amsterdam's Melkweg two days after frontman Charlie Harper's recent 80th Birthday! Just as in Utrecht in 2023, pop punks Nasty Rumours from Switzerland opened for the Subs. They played their melodic songs fast and enthusiastically! The UK Subs sounded even better than during their 2023 shows in Utrecht, Eindhoven, Drachten and at Continue Reading
On 11 May, the Resistor venue in Leiden, the Netherlands, hosted a concert by one band from China, and one band from Belgium. Resistor is a DIY place, often attracting enthusiastic audiences to punk gigs. Dummy Toys play fast, raw, punk with lyrics about subjects like environmental destruction, freedom and domestic violence. Support band Unwanted Tattoo sounded a bit like Continue Reading
New Releases Reviews
Are you ready to 'Quonk!'? It’s Johnny Moped's first new album since ‘Lurrigate Your Mind’ came out five years ago and finds the band in suitably barmy form! Set for release on 17th May 2024, via Damaged Goods Records, be prepared for 'Quonk!' to blow your mind.. There's a bit of everything in this album, from a band who know their chops and don't have to work too hard to Continue Reading
New Releases Punk News Reviews
Unless you've been under a rock, you must have heard that quirky late 70s punks The Members have just released a new album entitled; 'Greetings From Knowhere'. JC, Chris and Nick are back making more noise, so where better to launch their new album than the legendary 100 Club? Inviting special guests Los Santos London along to open, we were guaranteed a good night of Continue Reading
New Releases Punk News Reviews
London-based Fuzz Punk Rock duo, Yur Mum, release their highly anticipated album 'Duality' today! A wild mix of beats and melodies and rocking out with fuzzed-up riffs, Yur Mum's iconic bass and drums have levelled up. Beyond the high-energy tunes, the band explores themes like faith, guilt, existentialism, mental health, toxic people, classism, and immigrant catharsis.Continue Reading
New Releases Reviews
'Handwriting' is the new album from founder member and songwriter of The Adverts - TV Smith. Produced by Gerry Driver, renowned folk producer and multi-instrumentalist, 'Handwriting' uses no conventional rock instruments. TV sings and plays acoustic guitar on twelve of his finest songs to date, while Gerry backs him up on harmonium, mandolin, bazouki, banjo, piano, tenor Continue Reading