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EP review: ‘¡No Pasarán!’ by Dutch punks Mouser

Four veteran punks release new songs on the fascist threat, mobile phones, refugees and forced labour in prisons..

From Delft, the Netherlands, comes the punk band Mouser.  They are not to be confused with the band of the same name from Athens in the USA. They are Léon Brok: vocals and guitar, Bas Beijersbergen: guitar and backing vocals, Sander van Rhijn aka Sander Rednas: bass and backing vocals and Marcel Oord: drums. They call their music “old school punk”. They say they write fast, to the point,  catchy, sharp, sometimes very short songs, with uncompromising lyrics which expose our derailed society. Their debut EP ‘¡No Pasarán! has just been released.

Mouser backdrop

Mouser started a few years ago, with Bas and Léon. Sander joined later. Then, a drummer joined, but unfortunately after the first gig he died from heart failure. Then, Bas broke his neck and had to recover. And COVID came. So, Mouser stopped for a few years, After the pandemic lessened, they restarted with new drummer Marcel.

¡No Pasarán!‘ was recorded in Studio 195, in  Wernhout, Belgium by Patrick Delabie in 2024.

The record title became known in the 1930s, as a slogan during the Spanish civil war, from a speech by  Dolores Ibárruri Gómez, meaning that coup d’état engineered by general Franco, helped by Hitler and Mussolini, would not pass, would not succeed in conquering Madrid. Not only communists like Dolores Ibárruri, also anarchists and other anti-fascists would use the slogan.

On 17 August 2012, a Russian  Pussy Riot punk girl wore a T-shirt with ¡No Pasarán! as a kangaroo court condemned her band to concentration camp for writing an anti-Putin song.

The title track ‘¡No Pasarán!‘ was previously released on the compilation Dam-Nations in March 2024 on DamMit Records in England. Punk radio in the UK and Germany played it. On the video below, they played it live in Gouda, the Netherlands.

The lyrics are in Spanish. Translation: “Remember the history ¡No pasarán! Long live the republic ¡No pasarán! and democracy … swastika destroyed”. The track ends with a fragment of a choir singing a Spanish language anti-fascist song.

Relevant, at a time when Putin’s fascist adviser Alexander Dugin incites against Ukrainian civilians and against Pussy Riot whom he calls ‘immoral girls’. Dugin bases himself on Italian fascist ideologist Julius Evola, the translator when Hitler and Mussolini met. Relevant, at the time of a Conservative Political Action Conference, where after Mussolini, copied by Hitler and Franco decades ago and Elon Musk weeks ago, Mexican far-rightist Eduardo Verástegui and Trump adviser Steve Bannon concluded their speeches with the ‘Roman’ salute (nothing to do with ancient Romans) of Mussolini. That salute was too open even for French National Fronter Jordan Bardella, who prefers camouflage in nazism.

Here is the video of the Mouser song ‘Smartphone Zombie’: From the lyrics: “the smarter that they make your phone, the dumber that you get”.

This is ‘Shadows over Disneyland’. It is about the plight of refugees, drowning because of  Scrooge-like government policies.

Here is ‘Hail! Hail! Hail!‘ It is about widespread forced labour in prisons.

To order the EP, send an email to:

With upcoming show dates in England and the Netherlands soon, check them out, you won’t regret it; as I promise after seeing them live and hearing their EP!

Mouser’s next shows in the UK and the Netherlands will be:

March 20th, The Castle, Aldgate, London
March 21st, Poco Loco, Chatham
March 22nd, the Pipeline, Brighton
May 3rd, de Resistor, Leiden

Mouser - No Pasaran EP cover

Main Photo Credit: UNKNOWN

  1. ¡No Pasarán!
  2. Smartphone Zombie
  3. Shadows over Disneyland
  4. Hail! Hail! Hail!
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