Here at Punktuation! we love our readers, and we hope you enjoy reading all our punk news, features and interviews as much as we enjoy writing them!
Did you know that we are 100% DIY? We run our own game. No one dictates to us, and no one drives what we can or cannot put on our pages – and this is how we plan to continue!
Punktuation! is also a labour of love. Our amazing writers only get paid in high-fives, hugs and love – which is great and all that, but it doesn’t pay the bills!
Just a Cup of Coffee a Month

To be honest, it doesn’t take a lot to keep our writers churning out brilliant articles. In fact, if every Punktuation! reader donated the price of a cup of coffee every month, we could keep our writers awake enough to help keep everyone up-to-date with the latest news, greatest features and the best interviews!
F**k Yeah! I'll Buy Ya Coffee!
Thank you! Your donation of a ‘coffee’ means we can safeguard our essential DIY punk independence.
Whether big or small, every contribution means we can keep on ‘keeping on’ and help support independent music journalism!

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