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Thirsty Curses release the super fun track ‘Punk Rock Ruined My Life’

What's punk ever done for you? Aside from the music, the community and an ability to accessorise any outfit with a safety pin, maybe you feel like Thirsty Curses do?

The North Carolina rockers wish they had just stuck with listening to The Eagles and playing sports…but punk got them instead!

The song sprung out of an inside joke among band members and a few of their friends about all the different ways punk rock had ruined their lives. The joke later grew into an entire narrative about establishing a philanthropic organization to speak at high schools and pass out Eagles records to kids….and ultimately into a Thirsty Curses song!

The music video provides a peek at Thirsty Curses frontman Wilson Getchell and bass player extraordinaire Clayton Herring busking in their normal spot in front of Munjo Munjo in Raleigh, NC. 

It’s a great sing-a-long track with some cracking lyrics and catchy tune- all very tongue in cheek (we think!). This is likely to be in your head for a while after hearing it so be prepared to find yourself singing ‘punk rock made me weird’ whilst you’re at the bus stop (thus proving the song’s point).

The band fuse elements of punk, rock n roll and folk, all with humour and heart.  

Thirsty Curses

Punk Rock Ruined My Life‘ is the first new music from Thirsty Curses since their 2022 full length album ‘To The Ends of The Earth’, which included the singles ‘Jenny and ‘Nothing Really Matters.  Close followers of Thirsty Curses may recognize ‘Punk Rock Ruined My Life‘, as the tune has been part of Thirsty Curses’ live set for some time.  Fortunately, the band finally got around to recording it in December 2022, and on March 17th, the global movement can finally begin…. 

‘Punk Rock Ruined My Life’ is out on March 17th. Peruse your listening options HERE

Thirsty Curses cover
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